Hi, See attachment. The final value of the "align=" list is repeated for any leftover columns, and align=middle is default, of course. Cheers, taco PS The alignment preamble uses \hskip instead of \tabskip, because that was the only solution I could find that does all intercolumn spacing correct while still allowing endlessly repeating columns. Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Is it possible to have allow math matrix column alignments to be configurable, on the lines of align={left,left} of \startalign. I want to be albe to say
\startformula \startmatrix[align={right,left}] \NC x \NC = a + d \NR \NC y \NC = d \NR \stopmatrix \stopformula
to give me x = a + d y = d
This is a contrived example. The actual equation that I want to type is
\startformula \text{Let }{\cal R} = \bigcup_{P_{X_1},P_{X_2}} \left\{ (R_1, R_2) : \startmatrix[distance=0.1em] \NC \hfill R_1 \NC < I(X_1 ; Y \mid X_2) \hfill \NR \NC \hfill R_2 \NC < I(X_2 ; Y \mid X_1) \hfill \NR \NC \hfill R_1 + R_2 \NC < I(X_1,X_2 ; Y) \hfill \NR \stopmatrix\right\} \stopformula
All these manual hfills look ugly.
Is matrix the wrong way to go about this? Should we rather have a aligned environment like amsmath? Or is there a simple alternative that I have overlooked?
Thanks Aditya