On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:05:40 +0100, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
While looking at it, I fiddled a bit with a \setuplayout like this:
..., height=\the\dimexpr48\XVertikal+1pt\relax,
This allows you to visually align the frame and the grid.
Hm, to visually align the frame and the grid I'd need … height=\the\dimexpr48\XVertikal-2pt\relax … but in any case, it doesn't help the split footnote to get a rest on the line. Have a test and a look at this minimal example, showing exactly the problem: \newdimen\XVertikal \XVertikal=12pt \setupbodyfont[postscript,10pt] \setupinterlinespace[line=\XVertikal] \setuplayout [width=113mm,height=48\XVertikal, backspace=20mm,topspace=15mm, header=\XVertikal,headerdistance=0.5\XVertikal, footer=3.5\XVertikal,footerdistance=0pt, location=middle,marking=on,grid=yes] \showframe \showgrid \showgridboxes \showstruts \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\input ward\footnote{\input tufte \relax}} \stoptext Look how the bottom most line on page 2 is about 1pt lower than on the other pages. When using height=\the\dimexpr48\XVertikal-2pt\relax, the bottom-lines of the red and the black frames are aligned, but the footnote still hangs down there quite lost! Hans, is this a bug? Steffen