Am Montag, 07.07.03, um 18:39 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Jens-Uwe Morawski:
Nice feature to distribute a file together with its documentation, but how can i extract the attached file. AR (Linux version) seems not to have a function for this. Is there an utillity program?
In Acrobat (not Reader) it's in File:Properties:Embedded Objects. (That is, in german it reads: Datei:Dokumenteigenschaften:Eingebettete Datenobjekte) I can't find it in Reader (5.05 on MacOS X).
hmm, i've no AR6 to test this and even i don't know what pdf-layering means, but for me it sound like that we have now two layering methods in ConteXt: pdf-layering and layers defined by \definelayer... Wouldn't it be better to bring them together in one user interface and make the pdf-based layering an option:
PDF layers (officially "optional content groups") have not much to do with ConTeXt layers. In PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6) there's a new feature that allows hiding of some objects, like the layers palette in DTP or CAD software. But PDF layers are more: they can be connected with special view sizes (increase detail level while zooming in) and much more. Think of - different language versions in the same document - b/w and color versions in the same document - additional content that is only visible with a password - architectural drawings: floors or pipes, wires, walls, furniture ... (one layer for each craftsman) - other CAD stuff - higher detail level with zoom (I saw this with a city map) - and much more... "PDF guru" Stephan Jaeggi said, the possibilities of this new technique were overwhelming as a Adobe developer showed him some details. Think further of layers combined with transparency options -- creative possibilities like in Photoshop! (Don't know if this really works, but I guess.) Besides AutoCAD there's no commercial software that can write such layers -- ConTeXt seems to be ahead the whole industry! Really big deal, Hans!