2007/8/16, Wolfgang Schuster
sparklines? Thank you, that's what I meant. I had in mind there was some TeX solution? But never mind, I need them in an InDesign layout anyway. there was a pgf solution on Tuftes page: http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0000Lk&topic_id=1&topic=Ask+E%2eT%2e
Thank you. Actually, I only seem to need some percentage bars for my poll results (% of yes, perhaps and no for about 50 questions). So I wrote a python script that gets the data from my database and writes an EPS of the bar (fortunately I learned how to handcode PS). This is converted to PDF, and I'm set. As I mentioned, my magazine is made with InDesign, so I can't calculate on the fly. Looking at all the beautiful sparklines, I thought how I could utilize the higher data density, but had no idea yet. But my inline bars (with a scale) are already better than the pie charts that I had in mind first. Greetlings, Hraban