Hello. I apply textcommand=\uppercase to a section heading but it is propagated to subheadings. Is there a good reason for this. Some other notes in this test design: 1) textcommand=\uppercase does not work with luatex engine 2) textcommand=\WORD works in the luatex engine, but the propagation of uppercase to subheadings is also encountered. 3) numbercolor=red only works with luatex. I submit the pdf's also. Thanks, Dinh --- Code: %%% CHAPTER AND SECTION STYLING \def\BookchapterCommand#1#2{\framed[frame=off,rightframe=on]{#1\space}\framed[frame=off]{\space#2}} %\setuphead[chapter][command=\BookchapterCommand,page=chapter,numbercolor=red,alternative=inmargin] \setuphead[chapter][command=\BookchapterCommand,numbercolor=red,alternative=inmargin] \setuphead[section][numbercolor=red, after=\nowhitespace, style={\ss\bfa},textcommand=\uppercase] %% textcommand also applied on lower level headings. Why? %% Note: \WORD does not seem to work with textcommand for xetex and pdftex engines, but \uppercase, \Words, \lowercase work. %% For luatex, textcommand=\uppercase does not work. Use \WORD. But encounter same problems of propagating the uppercase to lower levels. %% also, numbercolor \setuphead[subsection][number=no,style={\ss\bf},after=\nowhitespace] \setuphead[subsubsection][style=slanted,number=no,before={\blank[big]},before={\testpage[1]},after=\nowhitespace] \environment env_basic \starttext \chapter{First Chapter} \input knuth \section{First Section} \input douglas \subsection{First SubSection} \input davis \stoptext