Hi, I'm using the latest beta and tried to arrange two slides on a single A4 sheet. I've defined my own paper size for the slides the sizes oriented on our corporate layout for presentations. To print two slides on a single A4 I have to scale them but I can't get this to work. Have a look at the attached minified example below. Without \setuparranging set the slides are scaled an one is put on each A4. As soon as I activate the arraging the scaling does not work anymore. Any ideas how to get this work? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks! Steffen \definepapersize[SPP43][width=25.4cm,height=19.05cm] \setuppapersize[SPP43][SPP43] \switchtobodyfont[20pt] \startmode[handout] \setuppapersize[SPP43][A4] \setuplayout[scale=0.5,location=middle] %\setuparranging[2TOP] \stopmode \starttext \startitemize \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \item item \stopitemize \stoptext