Mojca Miklavec writes:
You can try to checkout revision 26300 from TeX Live repository. That
should give you a good reference.
If you could also try to build revision 26300 with debugging symbols
(and possibly try to upload the binary somewhere, so that others could
try as well), that might help. I either have or can try to install a
virtual machine with i386-linux, but building TeX Live in virtual
machine will take forever, so having a working binary with all
debugging symbols could help. (I'm not 100% sure if the binary for mac
has been compiled before or after poppler update.)
The crashy binary with debug symbols is here:
Sha1sum (of the binary inside the tgz):
e092818935b3ea109380409b5fa9fc3ee8f58b71 luatex
==== revision 26300 =====
luatex --credits
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.1-2012051819 (TeX Live 2012)
Compiled with libpng 1.5.10; using libpng 1.5.10
Compiled with zlib 1.2.7; using zlib 1.2.7
Compiled with poppler version 0.18.4
Same crash. bt full at the end of this mail, but there's nothing new, I think.
Any revision other revision I can pick to pinpoint where the problem started?
If you like debugging, you could set a few breakpoints in the
following lines that work with poststruct:
I don't have the slightest idea of how to do it. I can do it if you
guide me.
./texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c: pdf_set_pos(static_pdf,
./texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c: (void)
calc_pdfpos(static_pdf->pstruct, static_pdf->posstruct->pos);
./texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c: (void)
calc_pdfpos(static_pdf->pstruct, static_pdf->posstruct->pos);
./texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c: lua_pushnumber(L,
./texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c: lua_pushnumber(L,
./texk/web2c/synctexdir/synctex-luatex.h:#define SYNCTEX_CURV
./texk/web2c/synctexdir/synctex-luatex.h:#define SYNCTEX_CURH
and compare behaviour of old & new luatex. But that's just a blind guess.
/media/data/melmoth/progetti/texlive2012/bin/i386-linux/luatex --fmt="/media/data/melmoth/progetti/texlive2012/texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/2448223e6631addb83df348d74153606/formats/cont-en" --lua="/media/data/melmoth/progetti/texlive2012/texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/2448223e6631addb83df348d74153606/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend="pdf" "./ciao.tex"
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0813e713 in getpdf (L=0x88b8158) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c:615
615 lua_pushnumber(L, static_pdf->posstruct->pos.h);
#0 0x0813e713 in getpdf (L=0x88b8158) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c:615
#1 0x082c9a65 in luaD_precall (L=0x88b8158, func=0xaf453fc, nresults=1) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:319
#2 0x082c9ca8 in luaD_call (L=0x88b8158, func=0xaf453fc, nResults=1) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:376
#3 0x082da1b7 in callTMres (L=0x88b8158, res=0xaf45360, f=0x88d63e0, p1=0xaf45360, p2=0x8edfaec) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lvm.c:88
#4 0x082da45d in luaV_gettable (L=0x88b8158, t=0xaf45360, key=0x8edfaec, val=0xaf45360) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lvm.c:125
#5 0x082db4ec in luaV_execute (L=0x88b8158, nexeccalls=2) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lvm.c:437
#6 0x082c9cbf in luaD_call (L=0x88b8158, func=0xaf45318, nResults=0) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:377
#7 0x082c25dd in f_call (L=0x88b8158, ud=0xbfffdc8c) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lapi.c:795
#8 0x082c8efd in luaD_rawrunprotected (L=0x88b8158, f=0x82c25b3 , ud=0xbfffdc8c) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:116
#9 0x082ca009 in luaD_pcall (L=0x88b8158, func=0x82c25b3 , u=0xbfffdc8c, old_top=288, ef=276) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:457
#10 0x082c2677 in lua_pcall (L=0x88b8158, nargs=0, nresults=0, errfunc=23) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lapi.c:816
#11 0x080c3452 in luacall (p=195, nameptr=0, is_string=1) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luastuff.w:397
#12 0x080c357d in late_lua (pdf=0x894b270, p=964) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luastuff.w:419
#13 0x08193559 in out_what (pdf=0x894b270, p=964) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:270
#14 0x081947c0 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2463) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:567
#15 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=844) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#16 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=853) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#17 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=879) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
#18 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2236) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
#19 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2245) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
#20 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2258) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
#21 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2267) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#22 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2318) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#23 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2350) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#24 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2359) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
#25 0x08195a94 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2372) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:909
#26 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2421) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
#27 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2430) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
#28 0x08195a94 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2445) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:909
#29 0x08195a94 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=968) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:909
#30 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2454) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
#31 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2487) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#32 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2540) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#33 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2564) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
#34 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2573) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
#35 0x080d0299 in ship_out (pdf=0x894b270, p=2573, shipping_mode=SHIPPING_PAGE) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdfshipout.w:275
#36 0x080e3b7b in box_end (box_context=1073872897) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/maincontrol.w:1398
#37 0x080f1763 in package (c=0) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/packaging.w:1271
#38 0x080e3109 in handle_right_brace () at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/maincontrol.w:1189
#39 0x080e2798 in main_control () at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/maincontrol.w:905
#40 0x080df9c2 in main_body () at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/mainbody.w:469
#41 0x080b7907 in main (ac=5, av=0xbffff384) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/luatex.c:460
#0 0x0813e713 in getpdf (L=0x88b8158) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lpdflib.c:615
s = 0xbfffd764 "\230\327\377\277\215=췐\235\221\b\004\002"
i = 2
l = 41
#1 0x082c9a65 in luaD_precall (L=0x88b8158, func=0xaf453fc, nresults=1) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:319
ci = 0x8f3f5e0
n = -1073750964
cl = 0x8919d90
funcr = 516
#2 0x082c9ca8 in luaD_call (L=0x88b8158, func=0xaf453fc, nResults=1) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:376
No locals.
#3 0x082da1b7 in callTMres (L=0x88b8158, res=0xaf45360, f=0x88d63e0, p1=0xaf45360, p2=0x8edfaec) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lvm.c:88
result = 360
#4 0x082da45d in luaV_gettable (L=0x88b8158, t=0xaf45360, key=0x8edfaec, val=0xaf45360) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lvm.c:125
tm = 0x88d63e0
loop = 0
#5 0x082db4ec in luaV_execute (L=0x88b8158, nexeccalls=2) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lvm.c:437
i = 37765382
ra = 0xaf45360
cl = 0x9dd7a30
base = 0xaf45330
k = 0x8edfae0
pc = 0x8edfa38
#6 0x082c9cbf in luaD_call (L=0x88b8158, func=0xaf45318, nResults=0) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:377
No locals.
#7 0x082c25dd in f_call (L=0x88b8158, ud=0xbfffdc8c) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lapi.c:795
c = 0xbfffdc8c
#8 0x082c8efd in luaD_rawrunprotected (L=0x88b8158, f=0x82c25b3 , ud=0xbfffdc8c) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:116
lj = {previous = 0x0, b = {{__jmpbuf = {-12, 0, -1227595768, -1073751016, -1091315163, 408466762}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {20,
3086578592, 3086573556, 3086578592, 3067371528, 3221216184, 24, 183864744, 183864744, 3086578592, 0, 3221216232, 3086573556, 3086578592,
3067371528, 3221216232, 3085708684, 0, 20, 3085712571, 50644704, 0, 3067371528, 3221216280, 135014078, 20, 20, 64, 0, 0, 17236104, 0}}}},
status = 0}
#9 0x082ca009 in luaD_pcall (L=0x88b8158, func=0x82c25b3 , u=0xbfffdc8c, old_top=288, ef=276) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/ldo.c:457
status = 0
oldnCcalls = 0
old_ci = 0
old_allowhooks = 1 '\001'
old_errfunc = 0
#10 0x082c2677 in lua_pcall (L=0x88b8158, nargs=0, nresults=0, errfunc=23) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua51/lapi.c:816
c = {func = 0xaf45318, nresults = 0}
status = 183784204
func = 276
#11 0x080c3452 in luacall (p=195, nameptr=0, is_string=1) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luastuff.w:397
base = 23
ls = {s = 0xaf58d50 "_bpnf_(27969941,683329,265737,'/A 15 0 R /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4')", size = 0}
i = 0
ll = 80
lua_id = 0xaf58da8 "\\latelua "
s = 0xaf58d50 "_bpnf_(27969941,683329,265737,'/A 15 0 R /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4')"
#12 0x080c357d in late_lua (pdf=0x894b270, p=964) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/luastuff.w:419
No locals.
#13 0x08193559 in out_what (pdf=0x894b270, p=964) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:270
j = 183819139
#14 0x081947c0 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2463) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:567
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 46204089}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffdedc
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 16777216, v = 183819213}
basepoint = {h = 235536384, v = 183819213}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 218431488
save_h = 183819232
edge = 16777216
enddir_ptr = 183819232
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 964
q = 183819241
leader_box = 16777216
leader_wd = 183819241
lx = 458774
outer_doing_leaders = 183819241
prev_p = 2469
glue_temp = 2.6936023596175926e-289
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 183819200, ht = 16777216, dp = 183819200}
ci = {wd = 67436544, ht = 183819188, dp = 184877056}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#15 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=844) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 46204089}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffdfdc
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 0
save_h = -1073749964
edge = 0
enddir_ptr = -1073750272
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 2463
q = -1073749964
leader_box = -1073749964
leader_wd = -1073749964
lx = -1073749959
outer_doing_leaders = -1073749942
prev_p = 850
glue_temp = 1.5914928323990413e-314
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = -1073750272, ht = -1073750308, dp = -1209279982}
ci = {wd = 16422, ht = -1208388656, dp = -1208393740}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#16 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=853) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 46204089}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffe0cc
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 27969941
save_h = -1224736768
edge = 0
enddir_ptr = 0
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 844
q = 0
leader_box = 0
leader_wd = -1208396064
lx = -1
outer_doing_leaders = -1
prev_p = 279
glue_temp = 4.0664371788623444e-294
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = -72515583, ht = -1073749797, dp = -1073749797}
ci = {wd = 0, ht = -1073750096, dp = 4}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#17 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=879) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 46204089}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffe1bc
cur = {h = 0, v = -39055524}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = -38372195}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 683329}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_vertical = 949066
save_v = 183819584
top_edge = -39158627
edge = -1073749736
g_order = 2 '\002'
g_sign = 1
p = 853
leader_box = -1073749736
leader_ht = 135660252
lx = 167184352
outer_doing_leaders = 49
glue_temp = 2.2082704225465746e-267
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = -1209425214, ht = 103103, dp = 170286288}
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#18 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2236) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 7831894}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffe2ac
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 27969941
save_h = 0
edge = 4953340
enddir_ptr = 0
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 879
q = -1073749284
leader_box = 0
leader_wd = -1209272810
lx = -1
outer_doing_leaders = -1073749464
prev_p = 1486
glue_temp = 4.9406564584124654e-324
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 183819658, ht = 16777216, dp = 183819658}
ci = {wd = 67436544, ht = 183819654, dp = 65536}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#19 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2245) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 7831894}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffe39c
cur = {h = 0, v = -39158627}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 39158627}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_vertical = 39158627
save_v = 0
top_edge = -39158627
edge = 0
g_order = 0 '\000'
g_sign = 0
p = 2236
leader_box = 0
leader_ht = 38371357
lx = 4102703
outer_doing_leaders = 0
glue_temp = 3.0685973177532751e-307
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 12, ht = -1073749152, dp = -1073749320}
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#20 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2258) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 7831894}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffe49c
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 27969941
save_h = 0
edge = 0
enddir_ptr = 0
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 2245
q = 0
leader_box = 33418017
leader_wd = 4102703
lx = 0
outer_doing_leaders = -1073748804
prev_p = 2264
glue_temp = 1.5914940230972478e-314
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = 4, dp = -1073749488}
ci = {wd = 0, ht = 46, dp = -1073749466}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#21 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2267) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 7831894}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffe59c
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 27969941
save_h = 0
edge = 39449261
enddir_ptr = 0
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 2258
q = -1073748564
leader_box = 4953340
leader_wd = 139758939
lx = -1208395008
outer_doing_leaders = 139758939
prev_p = 1402
glue_temp = 0
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = 0, dp = 0}
ci = {wd = 0, ht = 0, dp = 0}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#22 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2318) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 7831894}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffe69c
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 27969941
save_h = 4102703
edge = 0
enddir_ptr = -1073748324
g_order = 2
g_sign = 2
p = 2267
q = 183784684
leader_box = 33554433
leader_wd = 1
lx = 0
outer_doing_leaders = 183784696
prev_p = 2192
glue_temp = 3.6717917859736429e-261
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = -4953340, ht = 183784720, dp = 0}
ci = {wd = 139758492, ht = 6, dp = 65536}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#23 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2350) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 7831894}, dir = 0}
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tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
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g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 2318
q = -1208388704
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lx = 49
outer_doing_leaders = -1073748220
prev_p = 2183
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cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = 0, dp = 165458100}
ci = {wd = 4, ht = 165472185, dp = 5}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#24 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2359) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
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basepoint = {h = 0, v = 39158627}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_vertical = 39158627
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edge = 0
g_order = 0 '\000'
g_sign = 0
p = 2350
leader_box = -1073748008
leader_ht = -1209258612
lx = 80
outer_doing_leaders = 112
glue_temp = 2.5538416437250693e-313
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = 3729191, dp = -1073748076}
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__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#25 0x08195a94 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2372) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:909
localpos = {pos = {h = 4661756, v = 50719712}, dir = 0}
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size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_vertical = 0
save_v = -1
top_edge = 0
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g_order = 0 '\000'
g_sign = 0
p = 2359
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leader_ht = -1208393740
lx = -1208388704
outer_doing_leaders = 0
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cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = 0, dp = -1073747816}
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save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#26 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2421) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
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tmpcur = {h = 4661756, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 0
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edge = 0
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g_order = 2
g_sign = 1
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q = -1209254725
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lx = 0
outer_doing_leaders = -1073747512
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glue_temp = -2.5741264244291987e-39
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 4661756, ht = -1208388684, dp = 5}
ci = {wd = -1, ht = -1073747624, dp = 5}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#27 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2430) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
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size = {h = 0, v = 0}
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g_sign = 0
p = 2421
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leader_ht = -1208525712
lx = 143810224
outer_doing_leaders = 0
glue_temp = 0
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = -1208526186, ht = 4661278, dp = -1208526462}
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__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#28 0x08195a94 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2445) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:909
localpos = {pos = {h = 0, v = 0}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffec0c
cur = {h = 0, v = -55380990}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 55380990}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_vertical = 55380990
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top_edge = -55380990
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g_order = 0 '\000'
g_sign = 0
p = 2430
leader_box = 0
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lx = 143360344
outer_doing_leaders = -1
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cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = 0, dp = 63435}
save_loc = 0
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__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#29 0x08195a94 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=968) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:909
localpos = {pos = {h = 0, v = 0}, dir = 0}
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tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 55380990}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_vertical = 55380990
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top_edge = -55380990
edge = 166422296
g_order = 0 '\000'
g_sign = 0
p = 2445
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lx = 143962736
outer_doing_leaders = 2481
glue_temp = 6.7681395415026759e-256
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 143360344, ht = -2, dp = 0}
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#30 0x08193fa8 in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2454) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:457
localpos = {pos = {h = 0, v = 0}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffedfc
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tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 39158276
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edge = 0
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g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 968
q = 0
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leader_wd = 0
lx = 1072693248
outer_doing_leaders = 143361440
prev_p = 2481
glue_temp = 7.0191695076779543e-256
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 456, ht = 150205896, dp = 183784228}
ci = {wd = 8388638, ht = 183784228, dp = 143399824}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#31 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2487) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
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tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 39158276
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edge = -1208388648
enddir_ptr = -1208526462
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 2454
q = -1209272810
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leader_wd = -1208388704
lx = 34160
outer_doing_leaders = -1208388656
prev_p = 2493
glue_temp = -1.4275821316910091e-44
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = -1209268322, dp = -1073746424}
ci = {wd = 183784396, ht = 0, dp = 1062638336}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
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__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#32 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2540) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
localpos = {pos = {h = 0, v = 0}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbfffeffc
cur = {h = 0, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 39158276
save_h = 144057272
edge = -1208388648
enddir_ptr = -1073746104
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 2487
q = -1073746104
leader_box = 137141439
leader_wd = 143360344
lx = 0
outer_doing_leaders = 0
prev_p = 2529
glue_temp = 1.0694858786464972e-311
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = 183859560, dp = 56}
ci = {wd = -1, ht = -1073746184, dp = 137155762}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#33 0x08193fbc in hlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2564) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:459
localpos = {pos = {h = 0, v = 0}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0xbffff0ec
cur = {h = -4736286, v = 0}
tmpcur = {h = -4736286, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 0}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_horizontal = 39158276
save_h = -1208388704
edge = 33608
enddir_ptr = -1208388656
g_order = 0
g_sign = 0
p = 2540
q = -1073745848
leader_box = -1209258612
leader_wd = 143964136
lx = 360
outer_doing_leaders = 183688800
prev_p = 2515
glue_temp = -1.4275813633779797e-44
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = -4736286, ht = 0, dp = 4096}
ci = {wd = 0, ht = 0, dp = 0}
i = 1
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "hlist_out"
#34 0x08195aa8 in vlist_out (pdf=0x894b270, this_box=2573) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdflistout.w:911
localpos = {pos = {h = 4736286, v = 0}, dir = 0}
refpos = 0x89171b0
cur = {h = 0, v = -55380990}
tmpcur = {h = 0, v = 0}
basepoint = {h = 0, v = 55380990}
size = {h = 0, v = 0}
effective_vertical = 55380990
save_v = 1
top_edge = -50644704
edge = -1073745640
g_order = 0 '\000'
g_sign = 0
p = 2564
leader_box = -1073745592
leader_ht = 135039910
lx = 143962736
outer_doing_leaders = 7
glue_temp = 0
cur_glue = 0
cur_g = 0
rule = {wd = 0, ht = -4736286, dp = -1073745704}
save_loc = 0
save_dvi = {h = 0, v = 0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vlist_out"
#35 0x080d0299 in ship_out (pdf=0x894b270, p=2573, shipping_mode=SHIPPING_PAGE) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdfshipout.w:275
j = 0
k = 50644704
post_callback_id = 31
pre_callback_id = 30
refpoint = {pos = {h = 4736286, v = 50644704}, dir = 135205659}
cur = {h = 0, v = 50644704}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ship_out"
#36 0x080e3b7b in box_end (box_context=1073872897) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/maincontrol.w:1398
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "box_end"
#37 0x080f1763 in package (c=0) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/packaging.w:1271
h = 1337
p = 0
d = 1073741823
grp = 4
#38 0x080e3109 in handle_right_brace () at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/maincontrol.w:1189
p = 0
q = 0
d = 143810224
f = -1073745304
#39 0x080e2798 in main_control () at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/maincontrol.w:905
No locals.
#40 0x080df9c2 in main_body () at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/mainbody.w:469
pdftex_map = ""
#41 0x080b7907 in main (ac=5, av=0xbffff384) at ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/luatex.c:460
No locals.
A debugging session is active.
Inferior 1 [process 8645] will be killed.
Quit anyway? (y or n)