Wolfgang Schuster írta:
1. The "section" part of the words sectionstarter and sectionstopper above is just a general term for any heading type and does not correspond to the heading type. Is this correct? (That is, there are no chapterstarter=, subsectionstarter= etc. options).
No, it’s part of the key name and you have to use „sectionstopper” also for \part, \chapter etc.
I see.
2. The command you commented, \setupreferencestructureprefix, what does it supposed to do? It did not do anything for me, eg: \setupreferencestructureprefix[default][prefixstarter={\symbol[diamond]},prefixstopper={\symbol[none]}]
It comes the starter and stopper from the reference number in the text, compare the result from \in with and without the \setupreferencestructureprefix setting.
I compared the output of \in with commented and non-commented \setupreferencestructureprefix line. It does not make any difference, the two outputs are the same.
\setupheads is only a synonym for \setuphead.
OK. I also tried to change the separator to dash but I couldn't. I tried with \setuphead[separator=-] and with \setuphead[sectionseparator=-] but they didn't work. How can I change that? Thank you again, bcsikos