Dear all, placing a figure at the right or left of the text using \placefigure[right][]{}{} insert at the begining of the paragraph under the enumerations while there is no blank line if we comment out \placefigure. See the below sample. Is there a way to make text begin from the same line of “Theorem 1” with the figure at the right? Thank you. Best regards, Dalyoung \defineenumeration[Theorem] [text={\translate[en=Theorem, kr=정리]}, style=, title=yes, prefix=yes, prefixsegments=chapter, way=bychapter, number=yes, before={\blank[big]}, after=\blank] \defineenumeration[Proof] [text={\translate[en=Proof, kr=증명]}, % headstyle=bold, alternative=hanging, titlestyle=, style=normal, number=no, closesymbol=\mathematics{\blacksquare},] \startbuffer[circleA] draw fullcircle scaled 2cm; \stopbuffer \starttext \startTheorem %\placefigure[right][]{}{\processMPbuffer[circleA]} This is a test for placing a figure in the theorem or in the proof. \tex{placefigure[right][]{}{\processMPbuffer[circleA]}} insert a blank line at the beginning of the paragraph while there is no blank line without a figure. %\placefigure[right][]{}{\processMPbuffer[circleA]} \stopTheorem \startProof %\placefigure[right][]{}{\processMPbuffer[circleA]} \input knuth \stopProof \stoptext