On 7/9/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Perhas a left=,right= pair of keywords could solve the problem (left= and right= surrounding the number; but then we would also have to surround the label with something as well), where the default of left= would be a space. \[whatever]commad= could also solve the problem.
left=Q works. The label is
Sigh! A prisoner sitting in the cell thinking about how to escape never realizes that the door is not locked at all. Thanks a lot.
<text><space><left><number><stopper><right>, so this works
I won't ask where this is documented.
\defineenumeration [question] [text=Question, left=Q]
\starttext \startquestion[abc] Why are there so many spaces in \in[abc]? \stopquestion \stoptext
If we're talking about \in-s, references, ... It would simplify my style file considerably if I was able to get the chapters labelled as C1, C1, ... instead of only 1, 2, ... I could get rid of left= which I do need when referencing to the questions. That means: \defineenumeration [question] [text=Question, way=bychapter, sectionnumber=yes, separator={Q.}] \chapter{About Something} \section{First Section} \placeformula \startformula f(x)=x^2 \stopformula \startquestion Is it easy to do that? \stopquestion \chapter{About Something Else} should give C1 About Something C1.1First section f(x)=x^2 (C1.1) question C1Q.1 C2 About Something Else Mojca PS: To David (and Aditya): why not simply \defineenumeration [question] [text=, left=\labeltext{question}]