A correction to my prior email. I have to remove out the starttypescript and stoptypescript commands. % \usetypescriptfile[sun-font] %\starttypescript [map][texnansi] \loadmapfile[texnansi-sun-sunsans.map] %\stoptypescript %\starttypescript [sans] [sunsans] [name] \definefontsynonym[Sans] [SunSans-Regular] %\stoptypescript %\starttypescript [sans] [sunsans] [texnansi] \definefontsynonym[SunSans-Regular][texnansi-ssr][encoding=texnansi] %\stoptypescript \definetypeface[sunsans][ss][sans][sunsans][default][encoding=texnansi] \setupbodyfont[sunsans,ss,10pt] \starttext This is a g {\bf bold g}, {\it italic g}, {\bi bold-italic g},, {\tfa bigger g} and {\tfx smaller g}. \stoptext \starttext This is a g {\bf bold g}, {\it italic g}, {\bi bold-italic g}, {\tfa bigger g} and {\tfx smaller g}. \stoptext I get the expected output with no errors. I must be missing something really basic here. Lou