Am 20.02.2011 um 13:58 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
\starttabulate[|lw(8cm)|rg(,)w(2cm)|rg(,)w(2cm)|rg(,)w(3cm)|] %\ctxlua{userdata.InvoiceLine("Play with \\LUATEX", 2.5)} \ctxlua{userdata.InvoiceLine("Do some \\CONTEXT", 0.5)} \ctxlua{userdata.InvoiceSumLine("Sum")} \stoptabulate
\startluacode context.starttabulate({"|lw(8cm)|rg(,)w(2cm)|rg(,)w(2cm)|rg(,)w(3cm)|"}) userdata.InvoiceLine("Do some \\CONTEXT", 0.5) userdata.InvoiceSumLine("Sum") context.stoptabulate() \stopluacode
That seems to work so far, but invoice.hours and invoice.sum are always doubled! In my letter setup, it’s even quadrupled! I guess my functions gets called several times, but how can I avoid that?
The content of tabulate is processed twice to get the information for “p” columns and you get therefore the wrong values in the last row. Wolfgang