Hi to all, after some "eccentric" projects (musical notation, presentations, posters...) I'm starting my first "core" project with ConTeXt. We have a review here at the university which has been published until now by a publisher. As we are having bad typography and bad distribution, and, more, we have to pay for these two services, we are moving it to the web as a series of downloadable pdfs (maybe with Lulu support). Obviously I've proposed ConTeXt. Now: - I think I can manage the project organization as I have already done it for other projects following http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Project_structure - I think I can define style, format etc using the manuals and the list archive and support But: Fonts are really a mysterious topics. Because of this facts, I have always used default ones. As far as I have understood, The Mk IV issue should simplify the situation but (I really don't want to be indelicate) this is really a horror film for a newbie: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Mark_IV I'm using TeXLive installation on a macosx (mactex: http:// www.tug.org/mactex/) So: - should I know something about the metrics and other trickery? In that case, really a picture is worth ten thousand words. - how do I know which fonts are installed by the distro? AFAIK, it seems that this is a fairly complicated topic. Which seems to be pretty bizarre, because if they are unusable, why should they be installed? Experimenting with \enableregime[mac] \usetypescript[berry][ec] % or [8r] \usetypescript[palatino][ec] % \definetypeface[bookman][rm][serif][bookman][default][encoding=ec] \usetypescript[berry][ec] % or [8r] \definetypeface[charter][rm][serif][charter][default][encoding=ec] \starttext \setupbodyfont[palatino] çèòîàùé \setupbodyfont[pos] çèòîàùé \setupbodyfont[bookman] çèòîàùé \setupbodyfont[charter] çèòîàùé \stoptext (from http://home.salamander.com/~wmcclain/context-help.html#intro) Seems to work but I don't know why and how... - so, excluding "secret" pre-installed fonts, what I have to do to choose a (free) font ? - and how do I install it on my machine? - I.e.: what have I to do? Stay on mark II or switch to mark IV? This "mark" issue has confused me a lot more...:) I think a real tutorial on the font subject is lacking. All the available infos () in some way require IMHO a relevant knowledge So I am solemnly saying that I will wikify the discussion... Many thanks Best -a- -------------------------------------------------- Andrea Valle -------------------------------------------------- CIRMA - DAMS Università degli Studi di Torino --> http://www.cirma.unito.it/andrea/ --> andrea.valle@unito.it -------------------------------------------------- I did this interview where I just mentioned that I read Foucault. Who doesn't in university, right? I was in this strip club giving this guy a lap dance and all he wanted to do was to discuss Foucault with me. Well, I can stand naked and do my little dance, or I can discuss Foucault, but not at the same time; too much information. (Annabel Chong)