On Thu, 22 Jun 2006, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Some of you may have missed this, but I have posted a beta of the bibliographic module on http://modules.contextgarden.net/bib
I would appreciate it if people that have documents with large bibliographies would download it and run their files. Some mayor stuff has changed, and I really need confirmation that I have not broken backward compatibility.
Something is wrong with alternative=num|num-fr. Consider %------test.tex--------- \usemodule[bib] \setuppublications[alternative=num] % num-fr also does not work \starttext The manual of bib||module is \cite[me]. \placepublications \stoptext %------------------------------- %-------test.bbl------------------ \startpublication[k=me, t=manual, a=Hoekwater, y=2006, s=TH2006, n=1, u=http://contextgarden.net/Bibliography] \author[]{Taco}[T.]{}{Hoekwater} \title{\CONTEXT\ Publication Module, The user documententation} \pubyear{2006} \note{In case you didn't know: it's the document you are reading now} \pages{14} \stoppublication %------------------------------------------------------------ The output looks like ---------------------------------------- The manual of bib--module is [1]. [] Taco Hoekwater ConTEXt Publication Module, The user documententation. 14p. In case you didnt know: its the document you are reading now. ---------------------------------------------------- Notice the empty brackets in the list of publications. Aditya