"Pawel Jackowski na Onet"
writes: [...]
The reason I'm so persistant to solve that (probably not crucial)
that I'm still spying another problem -- generating format with proper default font information (as described in details in other threads). I thought that texexec config file(s) may be important at that point. But after copying 'texexec.rme' to 'texexec,ini', changing some defaults,
Subject: [NTG-context] bodyfont plr (default font) problem is like
set FmtLanguage to pl set FmtBodyFont to plr
and updating ls-R, the problem still appear, means that format generated with proper command
texexec --make --language=pl,en --bodyfont=plr en
doesn't use the proper default font.... So I'm afraid it's not the
I just did a quick test:
texexec --make --alone --bodyfont=plr en
and then run a simple tex file (\starttext \input tufte \stoptext)
gave me an error that plr12 could not be found. So I guess it now uses plr as a default. But I am not sure.
When you are using your setup, does plr12 get included in your document?
When I use format generated during first context installation, everything works fine, means that context use plr by default. However this quite old format contains only pl-hyphenation patterns. For a couple of weeks I had been trying hard to generate format with additional hyphenation patterns AND plr as default font. But each attempt gave me a format which use cmr by default. Of course when I included i.e plr10 definition in tex code or input some pl-oriented typescript, everything was ok since I have correclty instaled and configured pl-fonts. But default was still cmr, not plr. I've just tried to generate format with additional option '--alone' (as in your quick test) and that was the solution! Generated format uses the proper default font now. Actually I didn't know that texexec uses 'fmtutil' by default while generating formats (is there any special reason for that?...). My problem shows that texexec (its self) is able to generate format in more reliable way :) Anyway Thank You Very Much For That Hint! Regards, Pawe/l