On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 16:14:44 +0100
Maurice Diamantini
Hans Hagen said:
btw, there is a module m-pstricks that some of the users on this list are using that you can use to directly include pstricks code.
Thank you: so I find the .../cont-tmf/tex/context/base/m-pstric.tex file and tried the following code.
\Topic{Test intégrant du pstricks }
% pstric % \startPSTRICKS[offset=2pt] ... \stopPSTRICKS
works in both dvi and pdf mode \usemodule[pstric]
A-- \startPSTRICKS \pspicture(0,0)(10,10) \dorecurse{10}{\psline(0,0)(\recurselevel,10)} \dorecurse{10}{\psline(0,0)(10,\recurselevel)} \endpspicture \stopPSTRICKS --B
But for now, it doesn't work
as in LaTeX PSTricks requires \special to insert the PS-code in the output. pdfTeX has no \special and that would even not work if pdfTeX has it, since PSTricks requires the capabilities of a PS interpreter that pdfTeX not provides. Thus, use PSTricks with DVI output or PDF and start MetaPosting ;) Jens