On 9/26/23 20:46, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
[...] The \startblockquote command removes the last skip to ensure only the space which is set by the environment appears in the output.
Many thanks for your explanation, Wolfgang.
The default method to put some space before and after the environment is to use the spacebefore and spaceafter keys.
Now it is clear to me how the after and spaceafter differ in delimited texts.
It would interesting to know what you're trying to achieve with your combination of itemize and blockquote.
I’m quoting laws in footnotes, such as in: Relevant to the discusssion, see »Grundgesetz«, §73: : Der Bund hat die ausschließliche Gesetzgebung über: 1. die auswärtigen Angelegenheiten; 2. die Staatsangehörigkeit im Bunde; 3. [...] I need to quote the legal text and the list inside the legal text. BTW, German legislation is only a sample. I hope it is clear now, Pablo