8 Apr
8 Apr
5:31 p.m.
Tuesday, April 8, 2003 Sebastian Rooks wrote: SR> Hello ConTeXters, SR> First of all I would like to thank you Hans for ConTeXt. It is a great SR> pleasure to use it to write my PhD thesis. SR> I have just upgraded to the lastest versions of ConTeXt and MikTeX and SR> my draft doesn't compile any more: pdfeTeX complains that it runs out of SR> "multiletter control sequences" (see part of the log file below). I SR> did not found what it is nor how to increase it. Maybe someone on this list SR> can give me some advice ? SR> Yours, To increase the hash size in MiKTeX you have to edit miktex.ini; the key to change is hash_size_def (possibly the one in the [ConTeXt] section) -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta