On Tue, 22 Sep 2020, Peter Münster wrote:
On Tue, Sep 22 2020, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
The same effect is rather easy to achieve when using natural tables as well.
But it fails, when there is only one data-row... :(
Then don't create tables with only one data row :-) A better solution is to create a dedicate framehandler which draws the bottom frame at half the thickness: \startuseMPgraphic{booktabs_bottom} draw bottomboundary OverlayBox withpen pencircle scaled (OverlayLineWidth/2) withcolor OverlayColor; setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[booktabs_bottom] [\uniqueMPgraphic{booktabs_bottom}] \installbottomframerenderer{booktabs}{\uniqueMPgraphic{booktabs_bottom}} \startsetups booktabs \setupTABLE[each][each][frame=off, rulethickness=1.2bp] \setupTABLE[row][first][topframe=on, bottomframe=booktabs] \setupTABLE[row][last] [bottomframe=on] \setupTABLE[row][first][style=bold] \stopsetups \starttext \startTABLE[setups=booktabs] \NC Heading 1 \NC Heading 2 \NC Heading 3 \NC \NR \NC Value 1 \NC Value 2 \NC Value 3 \NC \NR \NC Value 1 \NC Value 2 \NC Value 3 \NC \NR \NC Value 1 \NC Value 2 \NC Value 3 \NC \NR \stopTABLE \blank[2*line] \startTABLE[setups=booktabs] \NC Heading 1 \NC Heading 2 \NC Heading 3 \NC \NR \NC Value 1 \NC Value 2 \NC Value 3 \NC \NR \stopTABLE \stoptext Aditya