Hi Matthias, that's good to know, but for me, the "killer app" would be to have both my manuscript and the presentation on the same device (and an iPod would just be too small for that). So the question is: could you see pdf A on the screen and drive pdf B with the TV out cable? Apple told me this was not possible. I can live with the other restricitions, I think. Thomas On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:34 PM, Matthias Weber wrote:
Hi Thomas,
you can even do presentations of PDFs with an iPod touch. You will need a dock connector/ TV out cable (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1454). In iOS 4, you have direct support of PDFs, i.e. you can copy PDFs directly to your iPod. Before that, you needed a separate app to view PDFs. As for PDF features, you'll be somewhat limited as to what the viewers support. For instance, movies within PDFs won't work.
Also, I don't think there is a way to use clickers to control the iPod/iPad.