Two questions concerning greek modules: 1. I switched to the new minimal installation (on a Mac and an ubuntu system) and noticed that I had to install the cb-fonts (for \usemodule[greek]) myself. Will the fonts be included in the future? (Just a question; I think they should be). 2. I wanted to try the t-greek-2008.05.11 module and unzipped in texmf-local (where I keep my fonts). The "Greek in proper context" etc. articles seem to be outdated, but from the sources I gathered that \usemodule[ancientgreek] or \usemodule[oldgreek] may be used, the latter only if the former doesn't work. I have the following problems/questions: A. \usemodule[ancientgreek] doesn't work (mark ii or mark iv). It gives me, e.g.: ! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> \penalty \CCC:4:126 ->\penalty \plustenthousand \space \defineactivecharacter ... {\string #1#2}\empty #1 #2\else \uccode \activehac... \@@su:enablegreek ...vecharacter ~ {\lettertilde } \defineactivecharacter | {... \localgreek #1->\bgroup \directsetup {enablegreek} {#1}\egroup l.6 \localgreek{mo~usa,} ? B. \usemodule[oldgreek] works with the default font or with Teubner (mark ii and mark iv). But not with Gentium, although the TrueType fonts are installed in texmf-local>fonts>truetype>greek>gentium: !pdfTeX error: pdftex (file gentium): Font gentium at 720 not found ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! There is no pdf file in the "doc" directory. Maybe a new version is under construction? Why is it better to use the module "ancientgreek"? Thanks, Jörg