Dear list, 1) Look at the output of this simple document (attached as test.pdf). If I click the first one I get a green square as I want. But when I click the second one the first one loses its color and get a check mark instead (tested on linux and windows). Is there anything I can do to keep the green square when the red is clicked? %%% BEGINNING OF FILE \setupinteraction[state=start,color=darkblue] \setupfield[setup 3] [width=1.2ex, height=1.2ex, rulethickness=1pt, framecolor=darkblue,offset=overlay] \definesymbol [ryes] [{\framed[frame=off,width=2em,height=2em,background=color,backgroundcolor=darkgreen]{ }}] \definesymbol [rno] [] \definesymbol [wyes] [{\framed[frame=off,width=2em,height=2em,background=color,backgroundcolor=darkred]{ }}] \definesymbol [wno] [] \definefield [rcheckme][check] [setup 3] [ryes,rno] [rno] \definefield [wcheckme][check] [setup 3] [wyes,wno] [wno] \starttext \field[rcheckme] Germany is a country in Europe. \field[wcheckme] All germans are men. \goto{Reset}[ResetForm] \stoptext %%% END OF FILE 2) In the example file above I also use ResetForm to clear all the checks. Is there a way to get a button/link such that when I click it all squares are "checked" (in my case colored red or green)? Best regards, Mikael PS If this method is outdated and there is a better one, please do not hesitate to tell me.