On Thu, 28 Jan 2016 12:29:46 +0100
Hans Hagen
How to make transparent shadings work with the new mechanism?
withtransparency (1,.5)
next beta
\definecolor [trans] [a=multiply, t=.5, g=.5]
\startMPpage fill fullcircle scaled 12cm withcolor \MPcoloronly{trans}; fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor \MPcolor{trans};
fill fullsquare xyscaled (15cm, 15cm) withshademethod "linear" withshadevector (0,1) withshadecolors (red,\MPcoloronly{trans}) withtransparency \MPtransparency{trans} ;
I believe the \MPcoloronly and \MPtransparency macros split up the \MPcolor in it's colour and transparency parts. This doesn't really provide a solution to the initial problem as I understand. Rather it seems to be a more robust way to use transparency and prevent choking on colours that might contain transparent parts. I will shade to the background colour then, which is not that clean but works as well. Anyway, thanks for the quick answer and the clarification. Marco