Hello all,
Perhaps a more meaningful example, actually I explicitly break lines Inside title text.
\startsubject[title={First title line\\ \tf eventual second line}] % second line same size as normal text Howto ?
Some text here
I tried with \tf but it does not change the size of text in the title after it. (In LaTeX I used \normalsize)
Is there any solution that would allow to type:
\startsubject[title={First title line\\ eventual second line}]
and output second line in smaller text than the first one (without adding any font modifier in the title if possible) ?
Many thanks for any help
Best regards
Dear all,
Still playing with \setfirstline, I was wondering how to apply it for headings as well ? Naive sample below does not work for the subject title, most probably because headings/titles have different processing than normal paragraphs.
\startcolumnset [TwoColumns]
\startsubject[title={\setfirstline[bbigline] A very very very long title for subject we know will not fit in single line of output}] % first line with different style as in the text below ?
\setfirstline[bbigline] Some paragraph content here. First line should be printed bigger than rest of lines.
Thanks a lot,
Best regards
Joseph Canedo