Am 05.08.2012 um 09:28 schrieb Otared Kavian
Hi Aditya,
On 4 août 2012, at 20:59, Aditya Mahajan
wrote: […] Minimal example (There should be a linebreak after \)
Is it not « \\ » that should give a line break? Indeed this gives a line break: \starttext Someone\footnote{Prof.\\ ABC} \stoptext
However, you are right to observe that
Someone\footnote{Prof.\ ABC}
results in an error with the latest beta, while
Someone\footnote{Prof.\ ABC}
does not (and of course there is no line break neither, the « .\ » gives only a normal space after the dot).
The “\ ” command gives a control space which is necessary when you use \nonfrenchspacing (which is normally set with \setuplanguage[…][spacing=broad]). What \\ produce depends on the environment and can be a line break, a space or something different. Wolfgang