On Aug 1, 2006, at 0:25, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 31 Jul 2006, Hans van der Meer wrote:
When I do:
\setupcolumns[n=2,balance=no,tolerance=verytolerant,rule=on] % and variations \startext \startcolumns abc \column def \stopcolumns \stoptext
This produces two columns when typeset on the upper half of the page. Suddenly about halfway the page the columns are not put side by side but below each other!
Can you give an example that shows the problem?
I ran the next code on the Live Context site and it gave me "first column" on the first page and "second column" on page 2. \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte} \startcolumns[n=2] first column \column second column \stopcolumns \stoptext But, as Hans Hagen wrote in another reply:
\column is just not that trustworthy; columnsets give more control but cannot be used mixed with one column
However, I seem to remember columnsets as fairly complex. Hans van der Meer