On 9/27/2014 12:07 PM, Akira Kakuto wrote:
However the resulting PDF shows incorrect characters.
Incorrect characters are in "Hirakana" and "Katakana".
The incorrect Japanese characters are also shown in the case of
"SourceHanSans-Regular.otf", the same feature in the
case of "NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.otf".
On the other hand, if I use "SourceHanSansJP-Regular.otf",
all characters seem to be correct.
All fonts are version 1.001.
\definefont[testa][file:notosanscjk-regular.otf at 14pt]
\definefont[testb][file:sourcehansansjp-regular.otf at 14pt]
\testa 日本語のテスト。
\testb 日本語のテスト。
gives the same output here (runs ok with your native ms bins, crashes with mingw experimental)