Am 01.04.2011 um 00:09 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:
On Mar 31, 2011, at 5:22 PM, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
in a typescript I need to set sansserif font proportional bigger than serif font. Using "rscale"? As far as I have seen this only works when integers are used for bodyfont:
\starttypescript [times] \definetypeface [times] [ss] [sans] [helvetica] [default] [rscale=10.2] \stoptypescript
\usetypescript[times] %\setupbodyfont[times,10pt] % <- try this ... \setupbodyfont[times,10.1pt] % <- ... and then this
Test \ss{text}
Unfortunately the sizes for bodyfont and footnotes are specified by publisher (10.1pt and 8.5pt).
Is there a chance to get rscale working even for theses decimal fractions?
You need:
\starttypescript [serif] [default] [size] \definebodyfont [10.1pt] [rm] [default] \stoptypescript
But I doubt that there is any visible difference between 10pt and 10.1pt (and due to rounding errors, there may be no difference at all).
It does also work when you switch to the “times” typeface *before* \starttext and change the size *after* \starttext: \definetypeface [times] [rm] [serif] [times] [default] \definetypeface [times] [ss] [sans] [helvetica] [default] [rscale=2] \setupbodyfont[times] %\setupbodyfont[times,10.5pt] % fails \starttext %text {\ss text} \setupbodyfont[10.5pt] text {\ss text} \switchtobodyfont[8.5pt] text {\ss text} \stoptext Wolfgang