On 14 janv. 09, at 08:57, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Otared Kavian wrote:
Thanks Aditya for your explanation, but I must say that it is not convincing because with mkiv one of the buffers is processed with \processMPbuffer, while the other is not… So there must be some other hidden behaviour which has changed between mkii and mkiv.
I will leave it for Hans to figure what exactly goes wrong, but the problem is caused by the comment characters in the axes-1 buffer.
Best wishes, Taco
Hi Taco, Thanks for finding the problem: indeed as you point out, in the minimal example which I reproduce below, one sees that the comment character % in the \startbuffer[axes-2] part is not interpreted correctly in mkiv: if one puts that character at the end of last line of the buffer the ouput is correct, while if one puts it at the end of other lines the result is "undefined". So for the file I have to typeset right now, I'll remove those nasty "%", but I hope that the problem will be solved in mkiv… By the way, in one of your messages some time ago you said that there is a command \luatexversion but it doesn't exist on my installation: is it removed or I understod wrong? Best wishes: OK %%%%% bug-metapost-1.tex %!TEX TS-program = mkiv \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext \startbuffer[axes-1] numeric u ; u := .5cm ; path xox ; xox := (-u,0)--(8u,0) ; path yoy ; yoy := (0,-u)--(0,7u) ; draw xox withcolor blue ; draw yoy withcolor blue ; \stopbuffer \startbuffer[axes-2] numeric u ; u := .5cm ; path xox ; xox := (-u,0)--(8u,0) ; path yoy ; yoy := (0,-u)--(0,7u) ; draw xox withcolor blue ; % <------ here is the problem draw yoy withcolor blue ; \stopbuffer This file has been typeset on \currentdate{} at \currenttime, with \doifmodeelse{mkiv} {mkiv, LuaTeX revision \luatexrevision, (LuaTeX date stamp \luatexdatestamp)} {mkii, using the command: \type{texexec basic-test.tex}}, ConTeXt version \contextversion. % LuaTeX version \luatexversion, \blank[2*big] This MetaPost graphic is shown correctly with mkiv: \placefigure[middle][-]{}{\processMPbuffer[axes-1]} {} \blank but not this one \placefigure[middle][-]{}{\processMPbuffer[axes-2]} {} \stoptext