On Tue, 2024-05-28 at 15:02 -0700, Kip Warner wrote:
On Tue, 2024-05-28 at 17:38 +0200, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
to the frame settings.
Thanks Wolfgang. That does work.
But another problem I've found is the font and circle are not automatically resized when used in a formula:
\definecolor[colour_text][r=0.754,g=0.516,b=0.324] % RGB 0xc08453 \setupcolors[ state=start, textcolor=colour_text, pagecolormodel=rgb] % gray rgb cmyk auto none % Commands for MetaPost interpreter to draw a circle... \startuseMPgraphic{textcircle} draw fullcircle xscaled OverlayWidth yscaled OverlayWidth withcolor OverlayLineColor; \stopuseMPgraphic % Define an overlay using the above image... \defineoverlay[textcircle][\useMPgraphic{textcircle}] % Define a frame we can use via \textcircled{X} that uses as its background % the above overlay... \defineframed [textcircled] [width=1.4em, height=1.4em, frame=off, background=textcircle, framecolor=colour_text, location=low, offset=none] \starttext Here are the numbers \textcircled{1}, \textcircled{2}, and \textcircled{3}. And when used in formula, \math{\Sigma_{i^b x_{\textcircled{3}}^i}} \stoptext
What I was hoping would happen there was the circled 3 in the formula would shrink to look like a subscript for the x variable. Any help appreciated.
Wolfgang, please don't tax yourself further on this. I've managed to find another way of expressing the same ideas in my publication without having to resort to the above magic. Thanks again. -- Kip Warner OpenPGP signed/encrypted mail preferred https://www.thevertigo.com