Dnia 2012-06-30, o godz. 05:05:31
Otared Kavian
Hi Marcin,
I tested your file and noticed the issue you are reporting. In your case you can use \startsimplecolumns to get rid of the page break (however there is a small problem with the distance between the text and the items):
I knew that - but as you probably have noticed, the columns done by \startsimplecolumns and by \startitemize[columns] do not align correctly. So this is rather a workaround than a solution. (Well, thanks anyway!) Currently I changed the file a bit and the problem disappeared, but still I'd like to know what's going on, since this tends to happen from time to time. (And this bug - because I guess it's a bug indeed - has been around for quite a few years: I noticed it for the first time something like 3 years ago...) Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://mbork.pl