On 9/7/07, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 09:18:30AM +0200, Oliver Buerschaper wrote:
setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 5mm;
at the end of your MetaPost drawing might do what you want?
That's probably in the right direction, but the MetaPost newbie I am, I am unable to figure out the error:
mpost seminar.mp This is MetaPost, Version 0.993 (Web2C 7.5.6) (seminar.mp (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/metapost/base/TEX.mp) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/metapost/base/boxes.mp)
boundingbox.currentpicture.enlarged1cm ! Improper `clip'. <to be read again> ; l.26 ...o boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1cm;
What error could this be? The line I added is: setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1cm;
Since plain metapost doesn't know about ConTeXt (metafun) extentions, you need to: - either add a line "input metafun ;" at the top of your metapost files - or run "mptopdf seminar.mp" which will run metapost+create PDF instead of running "mpost/mp seminar.mp" first and convert to PDF later When including a picture in ConTeXt, one options could also be to use: \framed[frame=off,offset=1cm,strut=no,background=color,backgroundcolor=white]% {\externalfigure[...]} But that's slightly long and tedious, unless you write your own macro wrapper around it. Mojca