Hello, \setupheadertexts [{center}] sets a centered header (and wipes-out any left and right header) \setupheadertexts [{left}] [{right}] sets the left and right headers (and keeps the centered header) \setupheadertexts [{left odd}] [{right odd}] [{left even}] [{right even}] sets the left and right headers for even and odd pages (perhaps I have this backwards?) (1) It would be useful to have \setupheadertexts [{left}] [{center}] [{right}] but this does not work. In this case, we probably also need a *six* argument version (even/odd). (2) It would also be useful that \setupheadertexts [{center}] NOT wipe-out left and right if they are set (but I could live with this perhaps historical behavior if we were to have (1).) (3) It is a bit messy that one must use \setupheader [] \setupheader [left] [right] *two calls* in order to have no centered header. (Again, I could live with \setupheader [left] [] [right] if we were to have (1).) Similarly for footertexts, of course. What is the reasoning, presently? ALTERNATIVELY (or additionally), we could have \setupheadertexts [center={center}, left={left}, lefteven={left, even}, ...] which would be even cleaner. Thanks, Alan