Am 02.03.2012 um 17:35 schrieb Alan Bowen:
In both MKII and MKIV (using the latest standalone which I installed this morning), with
\setupheader[state=high] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setuppagenumbering[location=,] \setuphead[title][page={header,yes}] \definehead[BookTitle][title] \setuphead[BookTitle][before={\noindent\textrule},style=rm] \setuphead[BookTitle][header=high] \setupheadertexts[text] [\cap{A.\ U.\ Thor}] [\pagenumber] [\pagenumber] [\it{The Journal}]
\starttext \dorecurse{6}{\input knuth} \page[makeup] \BookTitle{{\em An Indubitably Important Book} by A.\ U.\ Thor} \dorecurse{10}{\input knuth} \page[makeup] \stoptext
the problem remains, that is, the header on the page preceding the page with the title is not suppressed. The same is true when I have \setuphead[title][page={blank,yes}], except then there are no headers at all after the page with the title on it. Does it work for you?
Remove \page[makeup] before \BookTitle and the header disappears. Wolfgang