jbf schrieb am 26.08.2020 um 05:42:
MWE as follows:
\definefontfamily [mainface] [rm] [baskervaldadfstd] [tf=file:BaskervaldADFStd.otf] \definefontfamily [mainface] [ss] [librisadfstd] [tf=file:LibrisADFStd-Regular.otf] \definefontfamily [mainface] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math]
\starttext \tf ffi,
\it ffi,
\bf ffi,
\bi ffi.
\tt Monospaced
Context then tells me that:
/mkiv lua statsĀ > loaded fonts: 6 files: baskervaldadfstd-bold.otf, baskervaldadfstd-bolditalic.otf, baskervaldadfstd-italic.otf, baskervaldadfstd.otf, librisadfstd-bolditalic.otf, texgyrepagella-math.otf/
So, in this instance, and as you explained would be the case, it is loading the sans serif family (Libris) but I note that it is not giving me what I asked for, which was /LibrisADFStd-Regular.otf/. Instead it has given me /LibrisADFStd-BoldItalic.otf/
And I deliberately did not include any maths, or itemize or anything that might involve those symbols, thinking it would not then load the Pagella Maths file, but it did. So my two questions now are
1. Why is it loading Libris BoldItalic and not Regular as asked for?
You used \bi before you switched to the sans serif font and the style is still active. To prevent this problem add around around style changes, e.g. {\bi ...}.
2. If I am not using Maths so far, why is it loading the Pagella math file?
ConTeXt checks the math font when you change the font with \setupbodyfont and at this point the math font gets loaded. You can prevent the loading of the math font with \textonly but you should use this only when you're 100% sure you never use math in your document. As Aditya already ConTeXt can use math for itemize symbols (which isn't the default behavior anymore) and it's better to keep math to avoid problems. %% begin example \textonly \starttext \unknown \stoptext %% end example Wolfgang