On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 3:18 PM,
I tried building the standalone but ran into a snag.
Here is the error message display when I ran "first-setup.sh": ----------------
sh ./first-setup.sh --modules=all --engine=luatex --context=current receiving incremental file list rsync: change_dir "/setup/cygwin" (in minimals) failed: No such file or directory (2)
sent 4 bytes received 8 bytes 3.43 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1508) [Receiver=3.0.7]
mtxrun | unknown script './bin/mtx-update.lua'
I take this to mean it can't change to Context's /setup/bin
It can change to http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/cygwin (or rather: it's rsync equivalent). Someone started providing the binaries, but later gave up. However, recent posts seem to suggest that normal windows binaries should work as well.
The ... setup/cygwin directories are in my local build directory is in /usr/local/context and not located off of root /
Is this because the cygwin build is out-of-date or not supported anymore?
It's kind of not-supported because nobody was willing to inspect how to build the binaries, but a few days ago I got reports that it should work. Can you please try to fetch first-setup.sh once more and try again? Mojca