Dear Talal,
Salaam. See below:
On Wed, 22 Jul 2015 03:49:29 -0600, talazem@fastmail.fm
Dear all,
I am producing a book that is divided into two sections. The book is published in English, and thus it runs left to right. Part one is an academic study in English. Part two is a critical edition of an Arabic text. The book is exactly 100 pages long, with fifty pages going to the English study, and fifty pages to the Arabic edition.
In Part One (which includes all the front matter of the book, such as the table of contents, etc.): the page ordering runs left-to-right, the pagination runs from 1 to 50, and the page numbers should be printed in Arabic numerals.
However, in Part Two (the Arabic text): the page ordering should run right-to-left, the page numbers should run in “reverse” pagination (in which “page 1" of the critical edition begins at the “back” of the book), and the page numbers should be printed in Hindi numerals.
In other words, the structure of the book’s pages would be as follows (ellipses used to jump):
1 2 3 … 48 49 50 ٥٠ ٤٩ ٤٨ … ٣ ٢ ١
I would like the Table of Contents then to look something like this:
Forward . . . . . . v English Study . . . 1 Arabic Edition. . . ١ Index of names. . . ٥٠
So my question is: is this currently possible in ConTeXt, to produce a single PDF, with such a TOC, from one file? Or am I bringing on too much of a headache upon myself, and it is easier to produce two separate files — but if so, how would one produce a TOC that includes the parts and page numbers of both documents?
For getting the Arabic pages to go the other way, I would leave that to the printer and/or post-pdf processing. After all, ConTeXt doesn't care about whether the book itself reads RTL or LTR. OTOH, you may have to reverse some of the \setuplayout parameters (such as margin and backspace) for the Arabic portion of the book. I'm sure you've seen Arthur Jeffery, Materials for the History of the Text of the Quran, for a nicely typeset example of what you are trying to do. Or even Revelation and Falsification edited by Kohlberg [a very misleading and sensationalist title by the way]. If you want to have two books in one, you *may* want to rethink this: Just have an Arabic TOC in the Arabic section (entirely RTL of course) and an English TOC in the English section. The English TOC need only point to the fact that the Arabic edition comes afterwards, and the Arabic TOC could do the same. That said: You could typeset both books as distinct products or components within a single project file - see page 20 of cont-eni.pdf (I once did two books this way). Then you can do cross-references between both books. IIRC you can then take the TOC in one product or component and place it in the other. So in the English book you can place the Arabic TOC and vice versa. Of course you will want to define a separate TOC control sequence for each. So you can get, e.g. \starttitle[title=Table of Contents] \start \LATINFONTOPTIONS \placeENGLISHcontent \stop \start \ARABICFONTOPTIONS \placeARABICcontent \stop \stoptitle which gives you exactly what you want. After all is said and done, the printer can reverse the order of the Arabic pages but that will not affect your TOC. Note that your example has English section names mapped to Arabic/Hindi page numerals (again, I would prefer a purely Arabic TOC). But your section titles in the Edition will not be in English. ConTeXt allows you to use dummy names for section title that will end up in your TOC, and this is documented in the manual I'm sure. Tangent: We need to start looking at the needs of Arabic indices in ConTeXt. Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen are already working on a new bibliography module that will eventually support RTL needs as well. Best wishes Idris -- Idris Samawi Hamid Professor of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523