In an off-list conversation I was told that there is an "apa-de" style. This is documented in [d] and was not in [e] so I updated that page. That solves issue (1) and partly issue (2): There is now ", Herausgeber" instead of "(Hrsg.)" what I want (and I think the APA manual wants it, too). Also, there is "Seiten" instead of "S.". No effect on (3), (4). And there are two more issues I overlooked. (5) The APA manual [a] shows that it should read "Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx)." instead of "Title of book, pages xxx-xxx." (the second reference in the example). This seems to be wrong in apa and apa-de. (6) Please consider \mainlanguage[de] \setupbibtex[database={mysample}] \setuppublications[alternative=apa-de] \starttext Wieder ein Zitat \cite[hh2010b] \placepublications[criterium=text] \stoptext In the output there is now "MAPS, 40:67-71". But following again the APA manual [f] it should be "MAPS, 40, 67-71" and the journal number "40" typeset italic. In the presence of an issue-number x it should read "MAPS, 40(x), 67-71", again only journal name and number italic, not the issue number. [d] http://dl.contextgarden.net/modules/bibmod-doc/doc/context/bib/bibmod-doc.pd... [e] http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Reference/en/setuppublications [f] APA Publication manual, 6th edition, 2010. Page 199, section 7.01 "Periodicals". Thanks in advance for considering this! Stefan On 18.08.2011 14:24, Stefan Müller wrote:
Hi list,
I have some problems with a bibliography. Please consider the following example
\mainlanguage[de] \setupbibtex[database={mysample}] \setuppublications[alternative=apa]
\starttext Ein Zitat \cite[HagenHoekwater2011]. Noch ein Zitat \cite[SchrammKopiez2009]. \placepublications[criterium=text] \stoptext
which results in
"Ein Zitat (Hagen and Hoekwater, 2011). Noch ein Zitat (Schramm and Kopiez, 2009). Hagen, H. and Hoekwater, T. (2011). Fonts in ConTEXt. Boekplan, NL. Schramm, H. and Kopiez, R. (2009). Die alltägliche nutzung von musik. In Bruhn, H., Kopiez, R. and Lehmann, A. C., editors, Musikpsychologie. Das neue Handbuch, pages 253-265. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag."
There are some language specific issues here.
(1) There is written "and" in the two references between the author's and between the editor's names, despite the fact that I changed the mainlanguage to German. I learned that I can change this to e.g. "und" with
\setuppublicationlist[lastnamesep={\ und \ }, firstnamesep={\ und \ }]
but is the current mechanism for translation able to automate the translation here too? Please note that I'm fine with the above solution, I'm just curious. [Similar issue with "andtext" in \setupcite]
(2) Similar to the above: How can I change the other inserted words/text, the APA manual [a] requires something different here: "(Eds.)" or "(Hrsg.)" (without the comma, latter German) instead of ", editors" "pp." or "S." (German) instead of "pages" Do I have to modify ConTeXt bib style files here? I would very much refrain from that... Those inserted words/texts are in general not used in German. IIRC these were hardcoded in English inside the style files, is this still the case?
(3) There was already a thread about this [b]. The current mechanism messes with the capitalization of the titles "Die alltägliche Nutzung von Musik". In English, this is mostly an aesthetic concern, in German and other languages this is definitely a bug and makes the reference list unusable. Maybe I missed something here: Is it possible to change this without modifying the ConTeXt core files? If not I request that the function Thomas pointed out in [b] is removed. If I want uncapitalized titles I can just use them uncapitalized in th bib or bbl file. IIRC putting the complete title in extra {}'s in the bib would solve this but is considered very very bad.
(4) In the APA-style, the entries in the reference list are supposed to be double-spaced [c]. How can I achieve this? The command \setupinterlinespace[big] inside \start...\stoptext does the job for the normal text, but not for the referencelist.
[a] APA Publication manual, 6th edition, 2010. Page 202, section 7.02 "Books, Reference Books, and Book Chapters". [b] http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2011/059359.html [c] APA Publication manual, 6th edition, 2010. Page 37, section 2.11 "References".
I strongly hope that I can get answers to all of my points above, and any hints and suggestions are appreciated.
Unfortunately I'm very unfamiliar with ConTeXt's mechanisms concerning the reference list and I don't know where and how to fix these issues, otherwise I would try to post patches instead...
Kind regards, Stefan Müller.