I have a document using columnsets to place tables near an entry in a long list of sorts. The problem is that wherever I issue a \placetable \placefigure etc command, I get unwanted extra whitespace between entries where the command is issued. I have tried changing the parameters in \setupfloats, but haven't found a setting that works.

I'm using the context version distributed with the latest texlive.

You can see the extra whitespace between entry Q and R in this example.


\setupindenting[yes, small]











\placetable[lrtb][tab:mytable]{My Table}{


\bTR\bTH Foo \eTH\bTH Bar \eTH\eTR

\bTR\bTD Bar \eTD\bTD Foo \eTD\eTR

\bTR\bTD Foo \eTD\bTD Bar \eTD\eTR



\My[Q]{\input knuth\getbuffer}

\My[R]{\input knuth}

\My[C]{\input knuth}

\My[A]{\input knuth}


