Am 04.09.2014 um 09:15 schrieb Sandra Snan
%% Just as a test for \definefontfamily, which works, text shows up in %% DejaVu Serif which is a ttf font. % \definefontfamily [five] [serif] [DejaVu Serif]
%% This is what fontforge reports as the family name for %% Baskervaldx-Reg. It works for me, text shows up in Baskervaldx, which %% is an otf font. % \definefontfamily [five] [serif] [Baskervaldx]
%% Fontforge called this the ``name for humans'', it didn't fly, text didn't show up: % \definefontfamily [five] [serif] [Baskervaldx Regular]
%% This is straight out of the manual, works, text shows up bookman. %% Wanted this look, but with \definefontfamily. % \definetypeface [five] [rm] [serif] [bookman]
%% None of these worked. Text doesn't show up at all. % \definefontfamily [five] [rm] [URW Bookman L Light] % \definefontfamily [five] [rm] [urwbookmanlligh] % \definefontfamily [five] [rm] [URWBookmanL-Ligh] % \definefontfamily [five] [rm] [URW Bookman L]
\setupbodyfont [five] \starttext Hello, snow! Won't you go, and return in december? \stoptext
Below is a short example which shows the different names in a font, as you can see in the output the names in each font are different except from the familyname entry which is the same for all. \definefontfamily [five] [rm] [URW Bookman L] \setupbodyfont [five] \starttext \dolookupfontbyspec{fontname=urwbookman*} \dorecurse{\dolookupnoffound} {\starttabulate[|l|l|] \NC Familyname \EQ \dolookupgetkeyofindex{familyname}{#1} \NC\NR \NC Fontname \EQ \dolookupgetkeyofindex{fontname}{#1} \NC\NR \NC Fullname \EQ \dolookupgetkeyofindex{fullname}{#1} \NC\NR \NC Filename \EQ \dolookupgetkeyofindex{filename}{#1} \NC\NR \NC Rawname \EQ \dolookupgetkeyofindex{rawname}{#1} \NC\NR \stoptabulate \page} \stoptext Wolfgang