Am Mon, 06 Apr 2009 19:16:52 +0200 schrieb Hans Hagen:
I'm not using the minimals or texlive but miktex. To use luatex I have made a small texmf tree and a texmf.cnf which includes my miktex texmf-trees. This works fine with normal files like tfm, sty etc. But my system seems not to find lua-files: mtxrun loads mtx-fonts.lua (which is in the same folder) but stops then and claims "file not found". Could you tell me which environment variable or texmf.cnf or whatever setting luatex/mtxrun use to track down lua-files?
luatools --generate mtxrun --script fonts ....
if that does not work, you need a context installation
It works partly: After I called luatools --generate mtxrun now finds also fonts in my various texmf-trees (and not only the one in the system folder), but mtxrun works only if I move first font-syn.lua in the folder of mtxrun. But this only a small nuisance. -- Ulrike Fischer