On Mon, 23 Mar 2009, Eythan Weg wrote:
Aditya Mahajan
Sun, 22 Mar 2009 22:24:17 -0400 (EDT) On Mon, 23 Mar 2009, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
This however fails: k:=2; label.bot(textext("$1\over" & decimal k & "$"), (10,0)) ;
Try with \frac instead.
Or prevent expansion of \over
label.bot(textext("$1\noexpand\over" & decimal k & "$"), (10,0)) ;
Why \atop or \choose do not need \noexpand? What is special about \over?
It is redefined by ConTeXt to be a useful command in text mode. \starttext \section[sec:test] {Some section} See \over[sec:test] \stoptext Hans, is it OK to change the definitions in core-def to \ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine \ifx\in \undefined\else \let\normalmathin \in \unexpanded\def\in {\mathortext\normalmathin \dospecialin } \fi \ifx\at \undefined\else \let\normalmathat \at \unexpanded\def\at {\mathortext\normalmathat \dospecialat } \fi \ifx\about\undefined\else \let\normalmathabout\about \unexpanded\def\about{\mathortext\normalmathabout\dospecialabout} \fi \ifx\from \undefined\else \let\normalmathfrom \from \unexpanded\def\from {\mathortext\normalmathfrom \dospecialfrom } \fi \ifx\over \undefined\else \let\normalmathover \over \unexpanded\def\over {\mathortext\normalmathover \dospecialabout} \fi \fi (added \unexpanded). This is certainly useful for \in and \over, maybe not so much for the other three. Aditya