Hi, the Lucida font does not have all variants of \heartsuit, \varheartsuit and so on (see for example http://mirror.unl.edu/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/unicode-math/unimath-symbols... for their unicode slots). For this reason I borrow these symbols from Xits. The code below used to work, but not anymore (I updated to latest standalone today, not sure when it stopped work). I don't get Xits symbols at all, but only a filled diamondsuit from vardiamondsuit. That one belongs to the Lucida font. Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Best regards, Mikael PS: I'm sorry for using a commercial font in an example. If requested, I gladly change that. %% Test file \definefallbackfamily [lucidaopentype][mm][Xits Math][range={2660,2661,2662,2663,2664,2665,2666,2667}] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][rm][Lucida Bright OT] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][ss][Lucida Sans OT] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][tt][Lucida Sans Typewriter OT] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][mm][Lucida Bright Math OT] \setupbodyfont[lucidaopentype] \def\diamondsuit{\utfchar{"02662}} \def\varspadesuit{\utfchar{"02664}} \def\varheartsuit{\utfchar{"02665}} \def\vardiamondsuit{\utfchar{"02666}} \def\varclubsuit{\utfchar{"02667}} \starttext Test: $\vardiamondsuit$ and $\diamondsuit$ \stoptext