On 12/30/20 4:53 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
As usual, it opens up possibilities, but of course at the price of testing.
Hans, I had seen the alignment bug as well; this has been fixed in today's upload. I'm in a book project (from xml), so I don't have small examples right now, but I want to point out that there are two more areas where current lmtx has serious problems that luatex doesn't have: 1. I have a bibliography that is structured in sections. lmtx does not respect the scope of these sections, but prints the entire bibliographical list at the first occurrence of \placelistofpublications. I wasn't sure if I had the right keywords and experimented an entire afternoon before I realized this was a bug in lmtx... 2. For some reason, lmtx introduces lots of empty pages into my document. When I compile my book with luatex, I get 176 pages at the moment, in lmtx, I have 208. Must be something about chapter breaks and so on. I will try in the next days to come up with examples, but right now, I'm working on a chapter and don't want to interrupt the flow... As always, thanks for your work on context, and best wishes for 2021 - may it suck less that 2020! Thomas