Hi, I mentioned this in an earlier e-mail but thought that now might be a good time to describe this issue in detail. I'd like to define a new authorconversion that renders the first author in a list differently than the remaining authors in the list. Specifically, I'd like to use the "inverted" authorconversion for the first author and the "normal" authorconversion for the rest. In the newer bibl-bib.lua file, I can see what I might have to modify to accomplish this (I added the if combiner == "invertedfirst" block): ``` function authors.concat(author,combiner,what,settings) if type(combiner) == "string" then combiner = authors[combiner or "normal"] or authors.normal end local split = splitauthors(author) local setting = settings[what] local etallimit, etaldisplay, etaltext = 1000, 1000, "" if setting then etallimit = settings.etallimit or 1000 etaldisplay = settings.etaldisplay or etallimit etalltext = settings.etaltext or "" end local max = #split if max > etallimit and etaldisplay < max then max = etaldisplay end if combiner == "invertedfirst" then for i=1,max do if i == 1 then split[i] = authors.inverted(split[i],settings) else split[i] = authors.normal(split[i],settings) end end else for i=1,max do split[i] = combiner(split[i],settings) end end local result = bibtexconcat(split,settings) if max < #split then return result else return result .. etaltext end end ``` Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do anything. It's not clear to me how bibl-bib.lua and bibl-bib.mkiv are being used by the other publication support modules, if they're being used at all (publ-ini.mkiv doesn't appear to register it, anyway). Is there another file I'd have to change to make "invertedfirst" a working authorconversion? Is there a similar block of code in publ-ini.lua where I should be implementing this change instead? Thanks! Joey