Again, thanks. My tests so far indicate that the only way to go in footnotes is with \starthanging[location-right]...\stophanging--and to be happy with the output as it is (which is quite nice, when all is said and done). Alan On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Wolfgang Schuster < schuster.wolfgang@gmail.com> wrote:
Am 03.03.2014 um 16:04 schrieb Alan Bowen
: The following does not work as it should:
\starttext text% \footnote{\hangsidefloat[2] \placefigure[right,none]{} {\externalfigure[cow][width=.1\textwidth]} \dorecurse{3}{\input ward}}
%for comparison \hangsidefloat[2] \placefigure[right,none]{} {\externalfigure[cow][width=.1\textwidth]} \dorecurse{3}{\input ward}% \stoptext
The text and image in the main body are as they should be.
But note that the first line of the footnote is blank and that, while the image is placed as it should be, the text runs through it.
1. The vertical distance before and after floats can be changed with \setupfloat[spacebefore=...,spaceafter=...].
2. Some features like floats or columns don't work or can be used only with limitations in footnotes.
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