Hello, I've been trying to come up with a few methods to add definitions to text with the help of the metafun and context manuals. The first method adds the definition as sort of a "superscript" on top of the word, and the second one marks multiple words with a curly bracket and adds the definition on top of the tip of the bracket. Here is the (ugly and hackish) code: \startuniqueMPgraphic{defline} path p; p:=(0,0)..controls (0,1) and (1,1)..(1,1)--(6,1)..controls(7,1) and (7,1)..(7,2)--(7,2)..controls(7,1) and (7,1)..(8,1)--(13,1)..controls(13,1) and (14,1)..(14,0); draw (0,0)--(0,12pt) withcolor white; draw p xscaled (\overlaywidth/15) yscaled 5 shifted (0,9mm) withpen pencircle scaled 0.25mm withcolor red; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[curlybracket][\includeMPgraphic{defline}] \def\sentencedef[#1][#2]{\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{#2}\hbox to \the\wd\scratchbox{\cbox{\hbox{\tfxx\color[red] #1}\\\hbox{\framed[background=curlybracket,frame=off]{#2}}}}} \def\worddef[#1][#2]{\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{#2}\hbox to \the\wd\scratchbox{\cbox{\hbox{\rotate[rotation=25]{\tfxx\color[red] #1}}\\\hbox{#2}}}} \starttext \hbox{\worddef[def1][Lorem] ipsum \worddef[def2][dolor] sit \worddef[def3][amet] consectetur \worddef[def4][adipiscing] elit.} \hbox{\sentencedef[def5][Lorem ipsum] dolor sit \sentencedef[def6][amet consectetur] adipiscing elit.} \stoptext I haven't figured a way to add the curly bracket graphic neatly nor position the definition correctly on top of it. I would be very interested in any advice regarding these two functions and how to rewrite both of them in a more elegant way. Best regards, -- * Otso Helenius * Helsinki University, Faculty of Mathematics * Aalto University, Faculty of Architecture