On 12 May 2021, at 14:03, Taco Hoekwater
wrote: But \char”F1538 still shows the wrong icon (though probably a different wrong one).
I did a bit of digging, and here is where it starts to goes wrong right now (tma excerpt):
Never mind that, that was wrong of me and not the problem at all! Sorry! Retry: [983943]={ ["boundingbox"]=58, ["index"]=903, ["name"]="music-note", ["unicode"]=983943, ["width"]=512, }, [983944]={ ["boundingbox"]=187, ["index"]=904, ["name"]="music-note-half", ["unicode"]=983945, ["width"]=512, }, “music-note” appears twice in the font encoding, at F0387 and F0388. The cheat sheet says that the second of those should be “music-note-eight”, but it has the wrong name, which is probably why ConTeXt removes it. The next one is “checkbox-blank-circle-outline”, which is at F0766 and F043D. The latter should have been named “radiobox-blank” according to the cheat sheet. Etc. On my earlier note: I still think it is bad to assign unicode code points in ’this’ case. A logo that is encoded in the PUA and happens to be named “minus” is very unlikely to actually be a mathematical minus. — Taco Hoekwater E: taco@bittext.nl genderfluid (all pronouns)