I have been using context rather extensively until 2008 and then moved to another job where I did not use anything tex related. After those nearly 5 years, I decided to pick up context again.
I wanted to try mkiv because the possibility of using openfonts looked interesting, so I made a tex file based on one that worked years ago, changed the font definitions to the texgyre fonts and gave it a try. The font defs seem to be ok (at least there are no error msges related to fonts) but after context gets through my tex file, it enters an endless loop which I have to interrupt. I checked the file over and over and cannot find any error. I tested a short "hello world" tex file, and that one worked fine.
any clues on what could be going on here ?
This is the log file after running context (shortened because it is a long one):
ConTeXt ver: 2013.02.05 22:32 MKIV fmt: 2013.2.8 int: dutch/dutch
system > cont-new.mkiv geladen
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
system > files > jobname: R79_OVA, input: R79_OVA, result: R79_OVA
fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages > taal nl is actief
fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage)
fonts > typescripts > unknown: library 'loc'
fonts > fallback modern rm 12pt wordt geladen
% begin of command line arguments
% kindofrun = 1
% fulljobname = ./R79_OVA.tex
% no-parse-first-line = true
% input = ./R79_OVA.tex
% currentrun = 1
% end of command line arguments
% begin of command line files
% 1 ./R79_OVA.tex
% end of command line files
floatblocks > volgorde verstoord
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! Interruption.
system > tex > error on line 1 in file R79_OVA.tex: Interruption ...
1 >> % interface=nl
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3 \starttekst
4 \def\vehiculo{OVA} \def\directivanr{R79} \def\gendatum{8--2--2013}
5 \stelachtergrondenin[status=stop]
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7 \def\figdir{Fotos/OVA/}
8 %definieren van multilevel genummerde lijsten
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l.119 \stoponderdeel
! Emergency stop.
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1 >> % interface=nl
2 \startonderdeel R79_OVA \omgeving homolo
3 \starttekst
4 \def\vehiculo{OVA} \def\directivanr{R79} \def\gendatum{8--2--2013}
5 \stelachtergrondenin[status=stop]
6 \def\textdir{Textos/OVA/}
7 \def\figdir{Fotos/OVA/}
8 %definieren van multilevel genummerde lijsten
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l.119 \stoponderdeel
End of file on the terminal!
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!