Just to wrap up a loose end hanging around for some time. I reported the fact that the Lucida fontsetup in ConTeXt missed typesetting the mathcolon. The pdf below shows that replacing "lucida" by the new "lucidaot" (the OpenType version) cures this. Hans van der Meer On 25 sep. 2011, at 14:37, Meer, H. van der wrote:
I get the impression there is something wrong with typesetting math with the lucida setup in ConTeXt. I find that the \colon is not printed. Below is a minimal example. See the colon in the first formula that is absent in the second.
Perhaps someone is willing to check if this is ConTeXt in general or my own setup in particular. In both cases I will be pleased with a remedy.
Hans van der Meer
\setuppapersize [A6][A6] \starttext \start \setupbodyfont[lmodern] Using: \verbatim{\setupbodyfont[lmodern]}\par $K\colon\quad A\cdots Z$\par \stop \start \setupbodyfont[lucida] Using: \verbatim{\setupbodyfont[lucida]}\par $K\colon\quad A\cdots Z$\par \stop \stoptext